Peace Be With You

...a retreat for bereaved parents


Suddenly three days later on September 21, 1992 my son Colin passed away from leukemia. I absolutely love being a parent. It's truly one of life's greatest joys and now I feel as if part of that joy has been taken away forever. The journey through the grieving process is difficult and different for everyone.

You have to find your own way and at your own speed. The time had come for me to start my own journey.Now, for some reason, I could not get that TV show out of my mind that I had seen just days earlier. About a week after my son’s funeral, I came home from work and turned on the television to see none other than George Anderson...

I found this to be odd, seeing him again so soon. I learned that he wrote a book called “We Don’t Die.” I eagerly read the book and from that time on, my mission was to try to get a private appointment with George. I tried for two years until my wife and I found out about a seminar in Kentucky. As soon as I heard about the seminar I booked a flight.

When my wife, daughter, and I got to Kentucky, we drove around looking for a drugstore because my daughter Kelly wasn’t feeling well. We stopped at a traffic light, a man crossed the street in front of our car. My wife looked up and said, “Isn’t that George Anderson?” I looked up, and sure enough it was! I lowered the window and asked him if he was George Anderson, and indeed he was. I told him that we were in town for his seminar and asked him if he would autograph the copy of his book we had with us. To be quite honest, I wanted to kidnap this man after trying for two years to reach him! Instead, I settled for the autograph and asked him if he would consider coming to Michigan. ‘Yes” he replied. “Just write to the office” and with that, he turned and walked away. We thought maybe this was a sign that Colin would come through during the seminar. He didn’t at that time, but what we did hear during the seminar was very reassuring. You could tell by the way the people in the audience responded that in fact George was communicating with their loved ones. So when I got back to Michigan I contacted George’s manager, Andrew. With his help we eventually organized a seminar in June, 1995 in Detroit. There is a saying that goes, “When you lose a parent, you lose your past, but when you lose a child, you lose your future.” Still, you go on, and it seems to me that this amazing chain of events was designed by Colin to do just that.

In 1995 I was on my way to the airport to pick up George. I was excited and scared all at the same time. All I could think was “what if I don’t hear from Colin?” I didn’t know what to expect but I just hoped I was finally getting closer to finding out if my son was okay. When we arrived at the hotel I asked George if he would like some dinner. He said “sure just so long as you don’t ask questions about your loved one that has passed, your discernment is scheduled for tomorrow.” I said “okay.” The conversation we had at dinner was like no other conversation I’ve ever had before. I could have listened to George talk all night about his ability to communicate with those on the other side. George surprised me with his knowledge of past and present events, over such a vast period of time. It was truly amazing. I was also surprised that someone with his ability also has such a great sense of humor. He is just one of those people who you enjoy being around. We have become friends since that evening.

During our conversation while having dinner, he sparked my curiousity when he said that Christ would frequently appear during a discernment, especially when suicide or children were involved. Christ would only say “Peace be with you” and then he would leave. That’s all he ever says. I asked him what it was like when Christ was in the room with him. “The feeling is indescribable when Christ appears, I really like it when he shows up.” George answered. Well there’s a dinner I’ll never forget! After my discernment the following day I was thinking about what George said the night before about Jesus. I came up with the idea that if George could SEE what Christ really looked like, I would like to see him for myself. So I asked George if he would sit with an artist and describe Christ to get a composite. The artist could paint what Jesus really looks like. George agreed but he said “that Jesus would never get his picture on the front cover of GQ magazine.” It made me laugh at the time when he said that. Well, besides most of us would never get on the front cover of GQ magazine either; including myself. “So what does he look like?” I asked. “Well, he’s not what most people might think is very good looking you might say. But when Christ appears there’s always a radiant white light that surrounds him. He’s tall and he looks Judaic with red hair, blue eyes, curls at his temple and he wears a white robe and sandals. It’s just such a peaceful feeling when he appears. And he always just looks at me or the people in the room for a few moments and says “Peace be with you” and then he leaves.” George mentioned from time-to-time he teases Jesus by saying “I know Peace be with you” and Christ replies “ And also with you” and then leaves. It sounds like Jesus just might have a sense of humor after all.

This painting, done by artist Doug Didia, is an accurate portrayal of Jesus Christ as viewed through George Anderson’s ability. I looked through the bible and it makes very little reference to what Christ looks like and to all his followers its Jesus’ message that is important not his physical appearance. So I guess we’re in pretty good company.

This has been my journey as a bereaved parent and I knew that this was as good as it was going to get until I see Colin again. Hearing from Colin through George is an experience that will stay in my heart forever. If you would like to read more about my son's discernment it can be found in George's book "Lesson from the Light" on pages 61-76. It was a great joy hearing from my son, Colin, and knowing that he is okay.

The retreat is being named after the legendary medium George Anderson in honor of him for all that he does for bereaved parents by providing them comfort and hope.

To learn more about George Anderson you can visit his site.

We will be updating our website every six months to let you know the progress of the retreat.