Peace Be With You

...a retreat for bereaved parents

  • Colin James O'Reilly
    5/9/1984 - 9/21/1992
  • Cody Allan Didia
    9/2/1993 - 9/2/1993
  • Jeff Dean Weiler
    12/18/1978 - 2/24/1999
  • George M. Safie
    3/4/1958 - 12/16/1976
  • Mitchell Lee Clark
    11/8/1985 - 2/16/2006
  • Shaun L. Winter
    9/8/1981 - 11/24/2007
  • Cameron-Matthew
    10/9/2007 - 1/24/2008
  • Dustin David Schwartz
    7/8/1981 - 7/25/2007
  • Justin William Fuchs
    3/19/1984 - 10/6/1991
  • Antal Lorant Balogh
    11/23/1994 - 11/12/2006
  • Anthony Joseph Vitale
    12/4/1976 - 10/15/2006
  • Taylor Winterhawk Breedlove
    10/22/1987 - 9/16/2007
  • Father Pasquale LoGrasso
    8/27/1932 - 9/5/2008
  • Sam LaGrasso
    11/11/1917 - 9/12/2008
  • Janessa Marie Rivera
    2/8/1991 - 8/5/2008